Nasty Girls

New Program Starts Anytime

A 5 &10 week strength and muscular endurance program for women, meant to augment cardiovascular workouts and create a well rounded training plan.

What to expect – The Nasty Girls program has made some vast difference in women’s body composition and their sports performances.  Strength Training in general will give you the very best bang for your fitness buck. However, results don’t come without work.  The goal for every set/exercise is to just barely finish (or not finish at all) this is called overloading.  Upside – you will start to see great, (and I mean great) results in 3 weeks.  You will however experience some DOMS in the process (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).  This is just your body reacting to the stimulus of the strength training – as your muscles repair they get stronger.  This “DOMS” is just your gateway to a stronger more fit muscular system – enjoy it!!!!

Anticipate being somewhat sore 1-2 days after your first 2-4 workouts.  You should start to FEEL stronger in 2 weeks and you will start to SHOW results in 3-4 weeks.

Goals and objectives – To be ensure results, please have a chat with your coach to be sure the exercise fit your individual needs.  It is crucial that we are aware of any chronic or acute physical issues that may be plaguing you.  The program is easily adaptable to address or avoid these issues.

What to wear – Wear whatever you are most comfortable in – it can get rather warm so be sure to wear shorts, a light top and workout shoes

What to bring – A towel, water bottle, yoga mat

Timing – Start times are variable within a set general time frame.  Two rotations through the 12-14 stations should take 45-55 minutes with the addition of a 5 min group abdominal finish.   Arrive 5-10 minutes early to accommodate a general low intensity warm up.

Tuesdays 7:00 or 8:30 am and Thursdays 7:00 or 8:30 am. Program pricing is $250 for 2x/week, $150 for 1x/wk

All Programs are offered at Burlington Fitness & Racquet Club 1233 Dillon Road Burlington